Taking Care of Commercial Fire Damage in Atlanta, GA

Taking Care of Commercial Fire Damage in Atlanta, GA

If a fire unexpectedly hits your commercial property, the shock alone can be devastating. However, you also have to deal with the aftermath of the fire, which can include smoke and soot damage, water damage from firefighting efforts, and of course, the actual fire damage. It can be a lot to mentally handle and take in.

The good news is that professional commercial fire damage restoration companies in Atlanta, GA can help you get your commercial property back to normal. By contracting with a reputable commercial fire damage restoration company, you can be sure your property will be thoroughly cleaned, repaired, and restored to its pre-fire condition.


Here are the typical steps of the restoration process.

Step 1: Assess the damage

The first step in taking care of commercial fire damage is to assess the extent of the damage. This is done by a professional fire damage restoration company who will come to your property and do a complete inspection. They will look at all of the visible and hidden damage and determine what needs to be done to restore your property. For insurance purposes, it’s vital to have a professional assessment of the damage to ensure everything is covered by your policy in addition to claiming any lost business income or items.

Step 2: Develop a restoration plan

Once the damage has been assessed, the next step is to develop a restoration plan. This will be a custom-produced plan designed specifically for your property and the damage that was done. The plan will outline all the work that needs to be done to restore your property and get it back to normal. This may include:


  • Cleaning and repairing damaged walls, ceilings, and floors
  • Removing smoke and soot damage
  • Repairing or replacing damaged equipment


As a commercial property owner, you will have a lot of input into the restoration plan to ensure your property is refreshed and restored to exactly the way you want it.

Step 3: Begin the restoration process

Once the restoration plan is in place, the next step is to begin the actual restoration process. This is where the commercial fire damage restoration company will start to do all of the work that is outlined in the plan. They will work diligently to clean, repair, and restore your property so that it is like new again. In most cases, the restoration process can be completed in a matter of days or weeks, depending on the extent of the damage.

Step 4: Move back into your property

Once the restoration process is complete, you can move back into your property and get back to business as usual. You can be confident knowing that your property has been thoroughly cleaned, repaired, and restored and that it is now safe for you and your employees to occupy.

Common commercial damage caused by fire

Many different elements of your commercial building can be damaged by fire. Some of the most common include:

  • Walls, Ceilings and Floors: One of the most common types of damage caused by fire is to walls, ceilings, and floors. In minor cases, this damage may be limited to some smoke and soot stains. However, in more severe cases, the entire wall, ceiling, or floor structure may be damaged or missing and need an entire replacement.

  • Equipment: Another common type of damage caused by fire is to equipment. This can include items like computers, printers, filing cabinets, and more. In some cases, this damage may be limited to the exterior of the equipment. However, in more severe cases, the interior components may be damaged or melted and need to be replaced.

  • Furniture: Furniture can include chairs, couches, tables, desks, and more. If any of your furniture receives minor damage, it can sometimes be repaired. However, if your furniture is severely damaged, whether it’s destroyed directly by the fire, has smoke damage that can’t be fixed, or even has sustained water damage from fighting the fire, it may be beyond repair. In those situations, you will want to have the furniture replaced.

  • Windows: Windows are another common type of damage caused by fire. In some cases, the glass may be cracked or broken. In severe cases, though, the entire window may be destroyed and need a brand-new replacement.

Trust the professionals to restore your building after fire damage

These are just a few of the most common types of commercial damage that can be caused by fire. If you have experienced any of this damage, it is important to contact a professional commercial fire damage restoration company as soon as possible so that they can assess the damage and develop a plan to restore your property.