Commercial Renovations to Increase Property Value in Nashville, TN

Commercial Renovations to Increase Property Value in Nashville, TN

Owning a commercial property is a significant investment, but as times are changing and more companies are working remotely, business owners looking to rent or sell need to up the value of their property to make it irresistible. Here are some of our favorite renovations to mention to your commercial contractor in Nashville.

Keep it green

More and more people want to focus on sustainability and green living to reduce their carbon footprint, not only in their personal life but also in their work lives. Even if you aren’t concerned about eco-friendly spaces, your future commercial property rebrands could be—and adding green features will also raise your property value and possibly save a little money on utilities.


As a Nashville commercial property owner, you may need to retrofit eco-friendly features, and a general contractor can help you determine the best changes to make. Some options include:


  • Energy-efficient lighting
  • Automatic sinks
  • Low-flush toilets
  • Solar panels
  • Heated floors
  • Reclaimed wood


Adding a few features can attract new renters or buyers to your property, and you’ll also be doing Mother Nature a favor.

Update the flooring

Too many commercial buildings have cheap, builders-grade flooring or dull gray concrete. While potential tenants may not notice low-quality flat floors, they will, however, see intentionally chosen new floors.


Flooring can give a room personality and elegance. It’s one of the small details in a building that can raise values and capture attention. In line with sustainable practices, you may consider sustainably sourced flooring like bamboo or reclaimed wood. You may also consider a beautiful and durable laminate or hardwood for maximum ROI.

Add a “wow factor” to the lobby

The lobby of a building is the first opportunity to make a visitor feel welcome and safe. Regardless of the size of your lobby or entryway, your Nashville commercial property needs to have a top-notch gathering area at the entrance.

Commercial renovation services could be relatively simple, like adding color to the walls or exciting light fixtures as conversation pieces. In other situations, depending on the size of your lobby area, you may consider a complete remodel to open up space, add windows or skylights, or include interesting architectural elements—crown molding or higher ceilings. Keep in mind that if you’re selling your property or renting it as an unfurnished space, the lobby should have just enough blank slate space to allow your tenants to see themselves working there. A renovated lobby can make your commercial property much more valuable.

Update bathrooms

Real estate agents like to remind sellers that bathrooms and kitchens sell houses, and it’s not all that different for commercial properties. Small tweaks to the bathrooms in your commercial property can update the whole feel of the building and attract more high-end tenants or buyers.


Essentially, a bathroom remodel in your commercial building should include a few key items:

  • Updated fixtures, including new sinks
  • Low-flush toilets
  • Custom lighting near the sinks
  • Updated countertops
  • Storage space either built-in or added


When you are choosing materials with the help of a Nashville commercial contractor, it may be tempting to save a few bucks on lower-end products. However, remember the words of wisdom from real estate agents and splurge on the higher quality fixtures and materials. Your tenants or buyers will be able to see the difference and will pay more for a little extra luxury.

Boost curb appeal

If the lobby is your first impression, the exterior of your building is the pre-impression. A well-kept exterior area can mean the difference between a potential tenant coming in for a tour and running for the hills. Luckily, the exterior of your building is easy to update with some paint and flowers. Nashville commercial painting contractors can help you get the look you want for your business.


If you’re looking for more than a basic spruce-up for your commercial property’s curb appeal, consider replacing windows with energy-efficient smart windows. These high-tech windows can change from transparent to opaque with a click of a button. Some contractors may be able to retrofit new window coverings or energy-efficient glass into existing windows.


Landscaping is another easy way to improve the value of your commercial property. Keep landscaping relatively simple, clean, and professional, and for thoughtful detail, ask your local nursery for plants native to Tennessee or especially the Nashville area. Native plants give an extra boost to curb appeal and are easier to maintain.


Today’s commercial tenants are looking for a unique space that fits their needs and if you want to get top dollar for your property, these renovations are a must. Call the experts at Contractors Inc—your partners for reliable general contractors in Nashville. Let us help you find the right choices to improve your commercial property value. Contact us for a consultation.